Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Unlooked for insights...

I was one of the many, many people who got caught off guard and out of the country by an unforeseen volcano incident…

It was an interesting experience. As someone who has built their life in such a way that they can be as autonomous as possible having to accept that for a short while my future was both uncertain and in someone else’s hands was a novelty to say the least. It required a new way of looking at things, an acceptance and although I wouldn’t want to do it on a regular basis it was undeniably a useful experience. Certainly it allowed me to shift my perspective on my world for a little while and in so doing gave me an objectivity impossible in more normal circumstances.

However the real eye opener was the discovery that I am in fact dispensable…this company that I have built up from the first day of its existence and that I devote most of my waking hours to managed perfectly well without me…sessions were delivered, work was generated, projects were maintained. I wasn’t needed. It’s quite the revelation. Undermining and liberating all at the same time. If not being in charge of my destiny shifted my perspective being dispensable blew it apart…

A number of emotions have gone with this…gratitude and admiration for the people that kept everything going, appreciation of the working culture we have established that formed such a solid foundation, an unavoidable element of vulnerability and a desire to build on what happened as I’m certain the insights we all got pave the way for a more far reaching, ambitious and successful company.

I like it when in the midst of confusion and challenge unlooked for insights are bestowed and as a consequence discoveries are made and progress is achieved. I also like the fact that I’m back and I can capitalise on everything that been accomplished in my absence and on the heightened awareness that absence and new perspectives can bring.

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